The "Make Today Beautiful" print is a free download from Laura Winslow Photography - available here. I thought this would be a great message to read every morning while I’m getting ready for work. .
The frame is from Michael’s ($6.00). It was originally black, but I spray painted it white with some leftover Krylon Paint + Primer. One day I’ll probably replace this frame with a more ornate one, but this one works for now. As I said above, the printable was free and I had it printed out at Staples for less than $1. So with one cheap/easy project, the black and white décor is gone and the bathroom makeover is on a roll – time for those big projects!
OK, now let's review the ol' to-do list:
Paint Room
Replace Missing Drawer
Paint Vanity
New Countertop
Replace Medicine Cabinets
Frame Large Mirror
Re-Caulk Shower
New Towels
Buy Bath Mat
Add Lettering to Trashcan

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